Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Spiritual Fitness

What constitutes spiritual well-being, and ultimately happiness? I believe we each need to answer this question for ourselves. For me, it is being comfortable with who I am at this moment. With myself, my relationship with God, and the direction my life is going. Most imortantly, attainment of these things has nothing to do with my current circumstances in life, or what's going on around me. Happiness is an "inside job" and once we understand and pursue this, the external world loses it's power. How exhilarating and wonderful it is to feel great at this moment...

For more on the topic of happiness, check out my recent interview on the Dr. Carole Lieberman Radio Show (go to March 3, 2009 Archives - The Cure for Your 'Money Blues' to listen to the show. Also, The Short Book on Happiness is available through my website

Affirmation for today: I deserve to be happy

Best to you...David Cane

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