Friday, April 10, 2009

See the Forest

Several times throughout each day I have to conciously step back from what I am doing and think about the bigger picture...what are my life's goals, dreams, where am I going, etc. I find this extremely important in order to ensure I am spending both my time and mental energy on the right things. It also completely decompresses me and removes any stress.

As I spend these 5 or 10 minutes examining what I am doing and why, I ask myself the following questions:

Am I allowing what others might think of me dictate any of my actions? If so, I affirm to myself "I am all the approval I need"

Am I experiencing any fear of the past or future? If so, I affirm "I love and respect myself," and "I am highly successful at all that I do"

This way, I continue along the path of remaining the master of my thoughts, and ultimately my success.

Wishing you every success in life for today and always...David Cane

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