Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Thinking Positive No Matter What

I learned of the existence of the Law of Attraction 1 year ago. I began conciously practicing positive thought -- what happened is that I experienced a number of tragedies in my life initially. So what did I do? I wrote a book on Happiness!! I realized that there were silver linings in everything happening in my life so long as I stayed positive. I have discovered that many give up before the real miracles begin to happen - they are certainly happening in my life now!

Has anyone experienced things getting worse before they get better? What I've found is that once the "getting better" begins, it is beyond your wildest dreams! Thoughts?

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Just launched - The Short Book on Happiness

My new book The Short Book on Happiness: Transform Your Life in 10 Days is now available at through my website

I hope you enjoy it! Please let me know your thoughts!


Saturday, November 22, 2008

Definition of Happiness

How do you define happiness? I define it as a deep inner conviction that all is well now and all will continue to be well. Symptoms of happiness include a complete absence of fear and worry, a habitual positive thought process, and an ability to stay in the present moment.

David Cane

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Dark Tunnel, Bright Light

Do you live your life waiting for the light at the end of the tunnel? Does your life feel like a series of difficult challenges with one hurdle after another? Do you have dreams that you wish you could achieve, but feel like you never will, or lack the courage to take the risks necessary to move toward what you really want to do?

If any of the above statements describe how you feel, the great news is that you do not have to feel this way any longer. You can allow the tunnel to become darker, or you can experience the light almost immediately by taking a few simple steps. Taking these steps will lead to happiness, which will catapult you out of that tunnel for good.

The first step is to begin to take ownership of your mind. Many people have unwittingly become the victims of their own minds by unconsciously engaging in negative thinking. If you change the way you think, you can change your life, and a sure way to do this is to replace your negative thinking with positive thinking. For me, the only way to begin thinking in a consistently positive way was to practice positive affirmations. The practice of positive affirmations has helped me to discipline my mind, increase my self-esteem, overcome worry, develop courage, and become happier.

A positive affirmation is a positively worded statement that you repeat to yourself with the intention of changing behavior and circumstances to improve your life. If practiced with commitment and deliberation, you will experience immense benefits. A powerful affirmation to begin with is “I love and respect myself.” Positively affirming love and respect for yourself is a great first step toward training your mind to be obedient to you. Also, repeating an affirmation designed to increase your self-esteem will enhance your ability to concentrate more effectively. So, give it a try, you have nothing to lose and much to gain.

Henry Ford put it beautifully when he said “whether you think you can, or that you can’t, you are usually right.” You have the power to propel yourself out of the tunnel and into the light, so start thinking positive today!